We turn industry knowledge and legal expertise into value for our clients. We thrive at the nexus of business and law, giving in-house counsel and business leaders the information they need to make the best decisions.



As your trusted advisers, we look to understand your industry, your people, and your challenges in order to offer deep subject-matter expertise.



Marble floors offer a veneer of prestige, but they don't create value for clients. We're taking a different approach.


We work flexibly and diligently as a seamless extension of your legal team. While we may not be able to answer every question you have, our extensive network fills the gaps. 


diverse toolsets

Abraham Maslow once said: “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” We’ve seen this type of thinking at work often in both legal and business settings, where organizational needs are forced to conform to existing capabilities. Our team brings flexible legal services that are designed to fit your needs, whether it is a fast-moving project negotiation, M&A due diligence, or an intellectual property license. We're always learning, adopting new skills in pursuit of client needs.

We also have enough experience to know when we are not the firm to provide you with the highest-quality and cost-effective solutions in certain subject matter areas, and we are not afraid to state that.